Sunday, November 27, 2011

Original Piece #1: Poem

NYC Nights

Patrolling the night,
A crime is born,
Turn on the lights,
Wail the air horn. 

Arrived on scene,
Suspect on the run,
Ten Thirteen,
“Put down the gun!”

In a rain of fire,
Backup arrives,
Check for a prior,
Everyone survives. 

Except for the one,
For which the call went out,
Realizes he’s done,
Blood flows like a spout.

Come help me,
I don’t want to die.

My poem talks about an NYPD officer who is working the night shift.  He recieves a call about a crime and responds to a man with a gun.  He gets into a gun fight with the man and backup arrives, but in the end, the officer gets killed by the criminal.  I used a couple of different conventions in my poem.  I used an ABAB rhyming pattern as well as 4 line stanzas.  The target audience is pretty much anybody, but I guess it's more geared towards people with a Criminal Justice background or education.  I used some information from my ethnography.  It shows some police procedures like checking for a prior crime, the NYPD code 10-13, which I talked about in my ethnography.  Also, this poem shows how in special circumstances, things don't go according to plan, which is something I learned in my interview.

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