Sunday, November 27, 2011

Inspirational Piece #5: Advertisement

This is an advertisement for a security job at the University of Karachi, which I believe is somewhere in the middle east.  It has a job description, how to apply, and what you need to apply.  I found it on the University of Karachi website while google searching for job advertisements.  It uses alot of the normal conventions, like black and white, plain, informative, job decription, job requirements, contact info, and how to apply.  The target audience is anybody looking for a security job in that region.

Original Piece #5: Advertisement

This is an advertisement for a job at the Police Dept. in the fictional city of Stilwater.  It gives a brief description of the job and how to apply.  I included most of the normal conventions for a job advertisement: Black and white, informative, plain, contact info, how to apply, job description.  The only thing I left out was the job requirements because it seemed unnecessary and just a waste of space.  The target audience is anybody looking for a job as a Police Officer.  This displays alot of information from my ethnography including all the downsides of being a Police Officer and how the public hates them for helping them. 

I made this is Microsoft Publisher and the box around the Job Includes: section shouldn't be there so please ignore it.

Inspirational Piece #4: Flier

This is a flier about a missing cat.  It has the cats name, contact information, and the offering of a reward.  I found this flier on the advertised website, while searching google for a flier.  I had a hard time finding one I liked.  The author used many conventions like including contact info, a picture, the cat's name, a reward, and description of the cat.  The one thing he didn't do was state an amount for the reward.  He made it plain and simple, so that nothing distracts the reader from the information.  The target audience is everybody, because the author wants everybody to see this in the hopes that they find their cat. 

I have no idea if the person found their cat or not.  I'd assume not since the website is still up.

Original Piece #4: Flier

In this flier, it has a picture of the wanted man, the reward, description, and offical seal.  I used alot of the normal conventions.  I put a picture of the missing object, who to contact, why it is wanted, and the reward.  The target audience is everybody.  The whole point of a flier is so that everybody sees it.  The flier talks about a man who is wanted for murder, which is one thing that I focused my ethnography on. 

Everything in this flier is true.  This man is really wanted by the FBI for 3 counts of 1st Degree Murder and are offering a reward of up to $100k.  I got all information about the fugitive from the FBI's official website;  I made this flier from scratch using Adobe Photoshop 7.

Inspirational Piece #3: Gift Certificate

This is a $100 gift certificate to Stellars Jewelry.  It has contact info, a title, and the necessary information.  I found this on the company's website while looking for a good example on Google images.  This certificate uses many of the normal conventions.  It has it's value clearly printed on the side, as well as who it's to, who authorized it, the expiration date, and the company info.  The target audience for this would be anybody who wanted to go shopping at Stellars Jewelry.

Original Piece #3: Gift Certificate

I chose to do a gift certificate.  The certificate has the Company info in the bottom left corner, with the formal information on the top.  This certificate entitles a person to get out of a speeding ticket for free.  I used most of the normal certificate conventions: title, expiration date, company contact info, who its to, etc.  The target audience is really anybody.  If this were real, the target audience would be anybody who speeds a lot, but it's not.  This certificate shows how if you speed, you will get a ticket. 

I used a fake PD because I don't think it would be a good idea to put a real department on this, and I'm pretty sure I could get in trouble if I had.

Inspirational Piece #2: Greeting Card

I did the Stars on Blue one. There's no direct link.
This greeting card has a colorful cover with a phrase about graduation and the word "Graduation" in big, cursive letters.  The inside has another phrase that relates to graduation.  The card is made by Hallmark and I found it on their website while looking for Congratulations greeting cards.  This was the best I could find.  This greeting card has a phrase on the front instead of some catchy picture like many cards.  The inside phrase is short and meaningful.  The target audience is anybody who is graduating from something.  Either highschool, college, or something else.